For informasjon about INAS, please contact Mr. Ørnulf Jan Rødseth at SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim, Norway. He is currently acting as secretary on behalf of Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships. You can always reach the NFAS pages by clicking on the NFAS logo in the header bar.
Current participants in the network can be found under the tab "Partcipants". White papers and other documents published by INAS or INAS members will be available under the "Resources" tab and information about coming and past events is available under "Events". The latter will also point to copies of presentations where such are available.
INAS is developing as you read these pages. This means that information may change rapidly and that you should re-read the pages frequently to check that information is still up to date.
At the moment, all information on these pages are preliminary and no contributor accepts any liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
We will inform you on these pages if or when the contents can be regarded as quality controlled and permanent.
INAS maintains a mailing list that you can request to be added to. Click on this link to subscribe. All newsletters will have an unsubscribe link at the end. The unsubscribe link is also available here..
We only store e-mail adress, name, affiliation and nationality. None of this is made available to anyone else than the secretariat. If you wish your information to be deleted, send us an e-mail and we will remove all information related to yourself.
Members of INAS and operators of test areas can request to get their contact information added to the respective web pages. This will be removed if you so desire.
We send out information messages from time to time. We will also assist in making contacts between people in certain regions or nations, but we will not distribute your contact infomation to anyone.
The International Network for Autonomous Ships (INAS) is an informal group of national or regional interest organisations on the subject of unmanned, autonomous or smart ships. INAS does not have personal members and all direct communication with persons will be through the member organisations' mailing lists. If you want to participate in the work, please contact one of our member organisations or start your own interest group. The INAS secretariat will be happy to put you in touch with other persons in your region.
There is no membership fee and no membership obligations. Any member can join or withdraw at any time. The secretariat is operated on a voluntary basis and as a service to the community.
INAS will only act as a repository for information of common interest and as a central node for distribution of information between member organisations.
It was decided to establish the network at a meeting at Oslo Airport on October 30th 2017. A number of national representatives attendants as well as some correspondents were the founders. Various presentations from that event is also available through the Events tag.
The INAS secretariat is currently hosted by SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim, Norway on behalf of Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships. The secretariat is "light weight" and will mainly act as a contact point between member organisations. All events and documents published on our web pages are normally produced by one or more member organisations. The secretariat can be contacted through Mr. Ørnulf Jan Rødseth.
Membership is open to organisations only. For organisations under establishment, we will accept that a person can be the interim contact point. Contact the secretariat for more information.
Regardless of organisation you can also request to be added to our mailing list as an individual. This is open to anybody. Click on this link to subscribe.
INAS does not represent any legal or otherwise binding relationship between members. All and any information provided on these pages is the responsibility of the party that originally created it.
Last updated 2022-12-21 by Ø.J.Rødseth @ SINTEF Ocean