Events relevant for autonomous shipping

⇒ Upcoming events related to INAS and NFAS

⇒ Other upcoming events

⇒ Past events

This page contains links to events that are to be arranged or that have been held by members of INAS. In the latter case, the link will usually point to copies of presentation or to proceedings.


The main INAS conference is the International Conference on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships which is held yearly, normally in November. Every second year it has been held together with the Maritime and Port Technology conference in Trondheim or Singapore. In between, the location varies. Click on the logo to see an overview.

The events listed on this page are open to the public. Have a look at the NFAS Conferences section for another overview of conferences.

There is also an overview on the ISTS project event pages that are more oriented towards digitalization.

For events with two dates, the first is dealine for submisison of abstracts or papers to the event. See web pages for instructions for submitting. Note that some ocnferences are likely to accept abstracts or proposals even after this date. Contact the organizers.

Upcoming events related to INAS and NFAS

These are events organized by INAS or NFAS or where these organizations have participated in planning and arrangements.

Click on the flag to the left to go to the relevant web page.

Germany 2024-09-02 5th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit

Other upcoming events

Click on the flag to the left to go to the relevant web page.

Currently, no pending events.

Past events

These are events where there is information material available, e.g. copies of presentation or proceedings.

Click on the flag to the left to go to the relevant web page.

Norway 2023-11-16 Åpne fagforedrag fra NFAS Årsmøte 2023.
Norway 2023-06-08 The 4th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit in Oslo, Norway. Program to follow.
Netherlands 2023-11-08 ICMASS 2023, in Rotterdam during europort, Netherlands. Dates will be from 8. to 9. November. Abstracts available from web page, papers are available from IOP.
Italy 2022-06-21 COMPIT - Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries 2000-2022. Proceedings from download tab.
Singapore 2022-04-06 MTEC/ICMASS 2022, Singapore Maritime Week, April 6-7.
United Kingdom 2021-01-19 Presentations from UK Maritime Autonomous Systems Regulatory Conference, 2019-2021
Belgium 2020-30-11 2nd International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit, Virtual, Brussels, November 2020.
Korea 2020-11-11 ICMASS 2020, Ulsan, South Korea, November 11-12 2020.
Canada 2019-11-27 CISMart Workshop on autonomous surface ships, Quebec City, November 27-28.
Finland 2019-11-17 International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV) 17-20 September.
Norway 2019-11-13 MTEC/ICMASS 2019, Trondheim, Norway, 13-14 November 2019. Proceedings are not open access.
Norway 2019-11-12 INAS Workshop on testing of MASS.
South Korea 2018-11-13 ICMASS 2018, Busan, South Korea
South Korea 2018-11-07 Workshop on test areas, Busan, South Korea.
Norway 2018-11-06 Inland waterways autonomous shipping workshop in Trondheim, November 6-7 2017.
USA 2019-07-22 MARAD: Achieveing Critical MASS, Linthicum, Maryland, July 22-23.
Norway 2019-03-11 First International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety (IWASS), Trondheim, Norway, March 11-13.
UK 2019-01-16 INAS Workshop on development of autonomous ships, January 16th in London.
Norway 2018-05-07 Ocean Week 2018. "Ocean Change", Trondheim, Norway
Norway 2018-04-17 SAREPTA presentations on autonomous systems and human control.
Norway 2017-10-30 Inaugural INAS workshop, Oslo October 30th 2017.
Norway 2017-06-15 Safe positioning and navigation for autonomous surface vessels. June 15. Trondheim.

Last updated 2024-08-12 by Ø.J.Rødseth @ SINTEF Ocean