2nd International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit (with video)

What is the real future of autonomous ships?

The International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit is the leading international conference for decision- and strategy-makers within the area of autonomous ships. It aims to have an up-to-date and practical foundation.

The 2nd Summit had as its theme "What is the real future of autonomous ships?" It was planned as a physical event, but was conducted in virtual format due to the COVID pandemic. The event took place on 30. November 2020 and was organised by the European Commision and DG MOVE together with the Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships. Mr. Paul Dean, Partner at Holman Fenwick Willan (HFW), moderated the event. More than 600 participants attended the summit online, via internet links.

The below 5 minute video shows some of the highlights of the event and can be accessed through the link.

Autonomy Summit video recording

The polls were (with offset from start of the recording):

2:06 Do you think MASS will become as safe as or safer than conventional ships?
2:43 By when do you expect first fully autonomous ship in global/intercontinental trade?
3:56 Do you think that the aim for zero accidents/zero waste/Zero emissions is realistic or even necessary?
4:13 Would you be prepared to pay a slightly higher transport cost if it would mean zero accidents/zero waste/Zero emissions?


Moderator: Paul Dean | Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan (HFW)


Magda Kopczynska | Director of DG MOVE Waterborne Transport
Ørnulf Jan Rødseth | General Manager, NFAS

Opening Keynote - Autonomous ships and shipping – the big picture

Jan Hoffmann | Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

High-level introductions

How are developments in international regulations dealt with? How are the leading regions and countries dealing with autonomous ships? Is it a big step forward or an unavoidable threat? In what market sectors will the impact be biggest (shipbuilding, equipment, operation, transport …). What is done to support or guide developments?

Kitack Lim | Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization
Adina Vălean | European Commissioner for Transport
Knut Arild Hareide | Norwegian Minister of Transport
Timo Harakka | Finnish Minister for Transport and Communications
Seong-Hyeok Moon | South Korean Minister of Oceans and Fisheries

Setting the Scene

Henrik Ringbom | Professor, Oslo University and Åbo Academy: Regulatory aspects
Jens-Uwe Schröder-Hinrichs | Vice-President Academic Affairs/Professor, World Maritime University: Social aspects
Martin Dorsman | Secretary-General, ECSA: Operational aspects
Patrick Child | Deputy Director-General and Acting Director, DG RTD: EU Research and innovation
Henrik Hololei | Director-General for Mobility and Transport: EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility

Panel 1: Smart MASS – The technology that pulls

Examples of smart shipping applications that show the new technology in practical use, including technology-oriented EU projects like AUTOSHIP, AEGIS.

Quah Ley Hoon | CEO Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore: The MASSPorts project - Singapore’s MASS-related efforts
Hideyuki Ando | Senior general manager of MTI, R&D arm of NYK Line: NYK autonomous ship project: Assisting crew
An-Magritt Ryste | Product Director, Kongsberg: Autonomous ships need – the AUTOSHIP project
Yanqing Li | Secretary General, China Association of National Shipbuilding: China’s developments on MASS

Panel 2: Safe, Resilient and Green MASS – The benefits for society

Why autonomous ships? What are the benefits for society: Reduced emissions, reduced accidents, reduced congestion, more resilient transport systems. What are the obstacles?

Andreas Nordseth | Director- General, Danish Maritime Administration: Autonomous Shipping contribution to sustainability goals
Daniel Mes | Member of Cabinet Timmermans, The European Commission: Autonomous Shipping role in the Green Deal
Henrik Tunfors | Chair IMO MASS Working Group, Senior advisor Swedish Transport Agency: Safety - regulatory scoping exercise in IMO
Ketil Solvik-Olsen | Hydrolift: Increasing the use of urban waterways

Panel 3: The emerging business models for MASS – The economic aspects

This section should focus on the economic forces that drive automation in shipping and the development of autonomous ships.

Christophe Tytgat | Secretary-General, Sea Europe: New opportunities for European manufacturers
Jin Kim | Project Head, Korea Autonomous Surface Ship Project Office: Korea Autonomous Surface Ship Project
Tom Eystø/Pia Meling | CEO/ VP Sales & Marketing, Massterly: Managing autonomous ships – Massterly
Antoon Van Coillie | CEO Blue Line Logistics: Inland angle in AUTOSHIP project

Summing-up and overall conclusions

Magda Kopczynska | Director of DG MOVE Waterborne Transport
Ørnulf Jan Rødseth | General Manager, NFAS

The contents on this page may contain minor errors as it is based on the published programme. Video recordings of the event may therefore not completely match the programme.
Pages have been prepared by Ørnulf Jan Rødseth, General Manager, NFAS.